Supplier Benefits


  • STAG has been established in the UK and Ireland for over 30 years.
  • STAG is a central invoicing buying group for indpendent businesses within Sport, Outdoor, Shoe, Department Stores, Corporate Wear,Team Wear, School Wear, Embroidery and Cycle sectors.
  • STAG operate throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland in both Euros and Sterling.
  • STAG credit insures all of our members debts thus guaranteeing your payment. 
  • 300 separate businesses are members of the STAG Buying Group with 400+ outlets combined
  • STAG MD - Ward Roberston has over 30 years experience in the Sports, Outdoor Corporate wear and Shoe independent retail trade.
  • The majority of our members are bricks and mortar retail shops although there are a growing number of Internet businesses, some of which operate from industrial premises.
  • Our head office is based in Swindon, Wiltshire with 8 members of staff. 


  • Here at STAG we insure all of our member’s invoices with Allianz Trade (policy renewed February 2024)
  • A comprehensive portfolio on each member is put together for the benefit of our suppliers.
  • A copy of each member’s portfolio should be given to your field sales team. .
  • All members of STAG have access to our interactive portal with the ability of viewing invoices, credits, statements, invoice disputes, details of each and every supplier including discounts, special offers, news as well as local sales reps/agent details. 

3 Exhibit at our Buying Shows in the UK and ROI.

  • STAG has an annual show in the UK with the emphasis on buying
  • Every supplier exhibiting will updates on every member attending, you in turn can contact these prior to the show to make appointment.
  • STAG will market the show to all of our members months before the event, right up until a few days before the show starts. 

4 Key Benefits of being a STAG supplier

  • STAG guarantees payment 30 days from your invoice date.
  • Access to over 250 STAG members.
  • You still control what retailers you want to sell to.
  • Market your business and products to our members via STAG.
  • Invite to the STAG Buying Shows.

Apply to join STAG as a SUPPLIER

It's easy to join. All you need to do is fill out some basic information for us on the supplier form - click here.

Ward will get in contact as he handles every new enquiry personally.

If you have any enquiries call: +44 (0) 1793 715 406

or fill out our enquiry form